Oat Milk Poultice Recipe

Barbara Close, the founder of Naturopathica, provided the ultimate remedy for irritated, dry skin. It's a less messy approach rather than filling the tub with oats.

Take 1/2 cup of oats and place them in a washcloth. Tie the ends of the washcloth with a rubber band and fill the sink with warm (not hot) water. Immerse the washcloth in the water and squeeze several times until the water turns milky. Splash this water onto clean skin, then apply the oat compress to moist skin, moving in small circles over face and body to gently exfoliate.

“Oats contain beta-glucan, which calm inflammation and itchiness associated with dry, devitalized skin in winter,” says Close, a trained herbalist, and naturopath.
  1. Great recipe. Sounds relaxing and yummy.


  2. Just stopping by to say hello and already follow you. Thanks for signing up for our Monday Blog Hop and hopefully word will get around and we will have more blogging buddies to visit. Thanks again and have a great week!

