The vision for Clean George came about as they watched a child's hands get slathered with the "P" word (an alcohol based hand sanitizer) and they thought there must be a safer and gentler way to clean hands in a pinch.
Tracy made the first batches of Clean George in her kitchen on a $29 blender. To insure stability, she sought out leading naturopathic chemists to collaborate in the creation of an entirely natural, human beneficial and Earth neutral hand cleaner that uses some of the most potent plant extracts on the planet.
Clean George has total commitment to "Green Consciousness", utilizing responsible farming, reusable and recyclable products and donating profits back to Mother Earth and those who look after her. Tracy even runs her car on waste vegetable oil from her favorite Thai restaurant!

I'm very impressed with the Clean George line and I thought all hand sanitizers were the same. NOT! I received all three of their scents - Lovin' Lavender, Grapefruit n' Sage and Mint-alyptus ($11.99 each). Even though I am pleased with them all, I favor the Mint-alyptus since I'm a Eucalyptus girl. All of the scents are strong. One squirt is good enough - very cost effective! Their hand sanitizers are free of alcohol and harsh chemicals. Their hand sanitizers will not dry out your hands or give them an icky sticky feeling like most sanitizers do.
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